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Recipe for
Aliter Dulcia
(Sweet Roman Toast)

by Apicius VII, XI, 3

Yeah, go ahead and click here to buy this book!
The Roman Cookery of Apicius
AFAIK, this recipe comes from Edwards and was inserted by original site author (I will say again to PLEASE buy these author's books! By doing so, you will help support them — even for books that are older and might not sell as well anymore... These authors do not do this for money, they do it for love. Please support them!

Aliter Dulcia is really, basically, the "French Toast" that most of us are familiar with but, this version is egg and dairy-free! Who doesn’t like a nice big plate of French Toast? It brings back fond childhood memories of Saturday mornings, when no one seemed to be in a hurry to change out of their pj’s to go anywhere or do anything. Truly, French toast is the quintessential breakfast food, but many of us will eat it for any meal, if given a chance. This version however, is drizzled with honey. And, did you know that this delectable dish that we call "French Toast" has been around for well over a thousand years? And it wasn’t always breakfast fare, in fact, it likely started out as a dessert. The earliest documented recipe for French toast can be found in the Apicius.

Original recipe: Siligineos rasos frangis, et buccellas maiores facies. In lacte infundis, frigis [et] in oleo, mel superfundis et inferes.

Translation: Strip the crusts from wheaten loaves and break the loaves into large pieces. Soak them in milk and fry in olive oil. Pour honey over them and serve.


  • White bread
  • Milk
  • Olive oil or butter
  • Liquid honey


  • Remove the crusts from the bread and slice the remainder of the bread.
  • Dip in milk and sauté in olive oil or butter.
  • Sprinkle honey on top and serve.
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