Recipe for
in vitulinam elixam
(Boiled Veal)
By Apicius VIII, V, 3
A main course to impress
Original recipe: Teres piper, ligusticum, careum, apii femen; suffundes mel, acetum, liquamen, oleum: calefacies,. amylo obligas, & carnem perfundes.
Translation: Crush pepper, lovage, caraway, celery seed, moisten with honey, vinegar, broth and oil; heat, bind with roux and cover the meat.
- 800g-1kg veal
- pepper
- cumin
- celery seeds to taste
- 2 tblsp honey
- 2 tblsp vinegar
- 100ml oil
- 100ml Liquamen (or white wine and salt)
- a little bit of cornstarch
- Cook the veal for about 1½ hours until well done.
- Mix together honey, vinegar, oil, liqamen and spices in an extra pan.
- Boil the sauce for a short time and thicken it with cornstarch.
- Then pour sauce over the veal
- Let it boil on low heat for a few minutes.
- Serve