Recipe for Glaukos
(Fish in Fresh Herb Sauce)
By Sotades The Keyless Girls, quoted in Athenaeus The Partying Professors

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A good fish recipe and simple to make. In his Glossary of Greek fishes D'Arcy Thompson held that the glaukos was impossible to identify for certain, although he cites tentative suggestions by other Scholars ranging from the blue shark to a type of horse mackerel. I suggest using Cod. Cod is just a fantastic fish, often overshadowed by the perennially popular salmon or tuna, or especially in a fancy eating joint, by a more popular or well-known fish like sea bass. It’s moist, it’s often not that expensive, it’s hard to overcook, and it got an excellent, mild, very slightly sweet flavor and firm, moist texture.
Original recipe:
Translation: I take two particularly large pieces of glaukos (Impossible to identify this fish, but it is thought to be anything from a blue shark to a type of horse mackerel) (a grey fish) with the heads removed, put them in a large casserole and add sparingly some green herbs, cumin, salt, water, and olive oil.
- 4 cod steaks
- 60 ml/2fl oz olive oil
- 3 tsp ground cumin
- A handful of fresh:
- parsley
- lovage
- thyme
- oregano
- Sea salt
- Finely chop the fresh herbs and put them into a few tablespoons of water, olive oil, sea salt and ground cumin in a pyrex dish, stir to mix them and then add the cod steaks.
- Cook in the oven at 150°c/300°f/Gas mark 2 for 1 hour.
- Serve with bread.