Recipe for:
Pullus farsilis
(Chicken with Liquid Filling)
By Apicius VI, X, 248
A delicious main course very similar to the chicken meals we produce today
Original recipe: pullum sicuti liquaminatum a ceruice expedies. teres piper, ligusticum, gingiber, pulpam caesam, alicam elixam, teres cerebellum ex iure coctum, oua confringis et commiscis, ut unum corpus efficias. liquamine temperas et oleum modice mittis, piper integrum, nueleos abundantes. fac impensam et imples pullum uel porcellum, ita ut laxamentum habeat.
Translation: Empty the chicken through the aperture of the neck so that none of the entrails remain. Crush pepper, lovage, ginger, cut meat, cooked spelt; besides crush brains cooked in the chicken broth, break eggs and mix all together in order to make a solid dressing; add broth to taste and a little oil, whole pepper, plenty of nuts. With this dressing stuff either a chicken or a suckling pig, leaving enough room for expansion.
- 1 fresh chicken)
- Minced meat (half beef, half pork)
- Groats (of oat)
- 2 eggs
- White wine
- Oil
- Ground ginger
- Ground pepper
- Green peppercorns
- Stone-pine kernels
- Liquamen or salt to taste
- Put pepper, Liebstoeckl, ginger, minced meat and cooked groats in a pot
- Add eggs and mix until you have a smooth mass
- Season with Liquamen and add the oil, whole peppercorns and stone-pine kernels.
- Fill this dough into the chicken.
- Cook until chicken is thoroughly cooked and tender.