The Romans in Britain
100BC to 450AD
The Romans in Britain
100BC to 450AD
100BC to 450AD
Insights into Roman life, History, the Roman Military and how the Romans changed Britain
The Romans in Britain... really, the history of Britain cannot be separated from the Romans. The Romans came to Britain nearly 2000 years ago and changed the country in a profound and moving way. On this site you can find a lot of information and learn about the history of the Romans in Britain and the changes that they brought. On this website, you will find information about the innovations that the Romans brought to Britain, the changes they made to everyday life and how, and why, they built the foundations of a new civilization throughout the land.
A Land Divided
Before the Romans came to Britain, the country was divided into a mess of tribes. Uncoordinated, and with no central governmental structure, the island was ruled by minor kings, each having a section of Britain that they controlled. These small kingdons frequently invaded their neighbors and this left the country in a permanent state of unease. Life was hard, it was unstable and it could be short. The Romans brought civilization and attempted to change this. Sometimes, the British peoples weren't too thrilled with the Roman rule and rebelled—usually though, this was suppressed.
Then the Romans invaded in 43AD. and brought a new style of leadership. They built an effective road structure, towns, homes and made Britain into one of the wealthiest and most valuable provinces in the Roman Empire. Rome was THE powerhouse of the ancient world and where it went, it left change—some for the good, some for the bad. There was nothing that could stand up to the might of Rome—many tried, many even hurt Rome a bit, but in the end, they ALL submitted. The Romans came to Britain nearly 2000 years ago and changed the country in a profund and moving way. On this site you can find information and learn about Roman history in Britain.
For students: Roman history ISN'T just dusty, old, boring facts to remember; the Romans were every bit like modern people, from scandals to public spectacles and violence (try MMA fighting vs. the gladiators—in the case of the gladiators and the "games," people died, vs. just getting beat up). There was just as much politics (in this case, you could get killed) and of course, there was sex (you didn't think YOU and your generation invented that, did you?).
I'm sorry that school and most teachers have made history dry and boring—it's not actually, they just do a bad job of presenting it and politically-correct school administrators make them teach an agenda. Don't take their word for things... Don't accept someone else's version of history and life—be your own person! Look around... See what it was like for yourself.
Innovations and Changes
On this website, you can get an insight into the innovations that the Romans brought to the country, the changes they made to everyday life and how and why they built the foundations of a new civilization throughout the land.
Before the Romans came to Britain, the country was divided into a mass of tribes. Uncoordinated, and with no proper governmental structure, the island was ruled by kings, each having a section of Britain that they controlled. There were frequent incursions into other territories, so the country was in a permanent state of unease.
Then the Romans invaded in 43AD. and brought a new style of leadership. They built an effective road structure, towns, homes and made Britain into one of the wealthiest and most valuable provinces in the Roman Empire.
Rome was THE powerhouse of the ancient world and where it went, it left change—some for the good, some for the bad. There was nothing that could stand up to the might of Rome—many tried, many even hurt Rome a bit, but in the end, they ALL submitted.
A note (and a request) about the RiB site
The site, as you can see, is a bit gaudy, but then the Romans were a bit gaudy :-) We're trying to impart that feeling... PLEASE, let us know your feelings on the site, it's structure and layout, fonts and in general, whatever you think we can make better: RiB Feedback Form.
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