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Check out some great books and help the site! I have chosen these books as among the best to illustrate this subject.

Ancient Authors

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Words written by the Ancients... I mean the actual words written by Julius Caesar himself... it boggles the mind and yet brings him to life. No longer just some ghost on a page or a dry figure in a boring classroom, but a real person. These books are really good — There's a reason they're still in print thousands of years later.

A Thought on Our Bookstore...

The Consul speakethWe're going to eventually have a new bookstore system — I already have it on reenactor.Net, but it's not mobile, so when I have time, it will come here. Anyway, what that means is that I am not going to add a lot more of these books manually. And alas, IF you have the ad-blocker program installed, you won't see many of them, as amazon's code for books and widgets (which we are going away from and using straight links), uses "iframes" and as such, ad-blocker just strips them out.

Sorry to be so rude, but we try to make this site and information as great as we can for our visitors. We have a few ads and we try to make them unobtrusive, but when you use ad-blocker, it hurts the site. We don't make the crazy money you'd expect, so this pittance is needed to keep the site going. Anyway, it detracts from the site... We post a lot of books and things that we think our visitors will find interesting and it not only strips out the ads, it strips out the books. Not cool. If you have ad-blocker, please hit the little "stop sign" button and tell it to allow ads on We don't want to have to add code to block browsers with this software :-o

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