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The Parisi Tribe

Background to the Parisi

Location of the tribe

Location of the Catellauni North and East Yorkshire

Background information

The Parisi were originally immigrants from Gaul, which is why their share their name with the tribe that occupied modern day France. As can be gathered from their name, they gave the French capital it's name.

Principal towns and settlements in Parisi territory

Petvaria - (Brough on Humber, Humberside) - The suspected Civitas capital , and the only polis ascribed to the tribe by Ptolemy, its official status was only that of a vicus.

Other Settlements

Delgovicia? - (Millington, Humberside) - Minor settlement included a temple.

Derventio - (Malton, North Yorkshire) - Roman fort with attached minor settlement or vicus.

North Ferriby - nearby Brough, was the site of an old Celtic settlement, and the northern terminus of a ferry over the Humber estuary to South Ferriby, in the territories of the Coritani.

Rudston - (Humberside) - Villa with crude but effective mozaics, on the road to the east coast near Bridlington.

Romans in Britain Celtic Tribes menu headerIceniTrinovantesCatuvellanuniCantiumAtrebatesDumnonniDurotrigesDobunniSiluresDemetaeOrdovicesCornoviiCorieltauviDruidsDeceangliBrigantesParisiVotadiniSelgovaeNovantae?VeniconesThere be Dragons here!TaexaliVacomagiCaledonni

To see the details of a tribe from an area, pass your mouse pointer over the map and select a specific region.

This section is not quite complete, as there are some tribes for which there is little information. These will be updated when the necessary facts have been established.



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Dies Jovis, Martivs 27, 2025
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