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Recipe for in mitulis (Boiled Mussels)


Original recipe:



  • l-1½ pt (0.5-0.8L) mussels per person
  • A pinch of each of :
    • celery seeds
    • rue
    • peppercorns
  • 1 tbsp (15ml) honey
  • 1 tbsp (15ml) olive oil
  • 1 tsp (5ml) garum
  • tbsp (15ml) corn flour


  • Clean the mussels thoroughly and throw away any that are open.
  • Place the remaining mussels in a rinsed wide pan and cover closely with a folded damp tea-towel.
  • Heat quickly, shaking the pan at intervals, for about 5-7 minutes until the shells open — discard any that do not open after steaming.
  • Remove the mussels from their shells, and keep them warm.
  • Crush the celery seed, rue, pepper and honey together in a bowl, olive oil and garum, and put in all this in a pan.
  • Blend in the cornflour and bring to the boil stirring all the time, until the sauce thickens.
  • Pour over the mussels, sprinkle with pepper and serve.
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