Recipe for In mitulis (Seasoned mussels)
by Apicius IX, IX, 418

Roman food focuses heavily on a few flavors, but the tough part is finding dishes that variy and don’t just lump on the fish sauce, vinegar, and honey.
Original recipe: Liquamen, porrum concisum, cuminum, passum, satureiam, uinum. Mixtum facies aquatius et ibi mitulos coques.
Translation: For mussels: fish sauce, chopped leek, cumin, raisin wine, savory, wine; add water to the mixture and cook the mussels in it.
- Mussels
- Garum Sauce
- Chopped leek
- Cumin
- Passum
- Red or white wine
- Wash the mussels thoroughly and remove all the sand.
- Blend all the ingredients in a pot, then cook slowly until the mussels are tender.