Recipe for
Aper Ita Conditur
(Pork or Wild Boar
with Cumin in Wine)
Apicius VIII.I.1

This dish is listed in Apicus as Aper Ita Conditur meaning ‘seasoned wild boar’. Wild boar is a little hard to in many places, So feel fre to substitute a couple of pork loins instead.
Original recipe: Spongiatur, et sic aspergitur ei sal, cuminum tritum, et sic manet. Alia die mittitur in furnum. Cum coctus fuerit, perfunditur piper tritum, condimentum aprunum, mel, liquamen, caroenum et passum.
Translation: It is cleaned; sprinkled with salt and crushed cumin and thus left. The next day it is put into the oven; when done season with crushed pepper. A sauce for boar: honey, broth, reduced wine, raisin wine.
- 4-6 lb. boar or pork roast
Braising stock:
- 1 t. salt
- water
- 1 t. myrtle berries, or juniper berries
- 2 t. peppercorns
- 2 t. cumin Sauce:
- 2 t. honey
- ½ cup chicken or pork stock
- ¼ cup red wine
- ½ t. ground pepper
Roasting pan juices:
- Braise the meat slowly in a stock of salt, water, myrtle berries, peppercorns, and cumin in a 350°F oven for about 30 minutes per pound.
- One hour before it is done, drain the pan, pour the pan juices over the roast and finish cooking, spooning the juices over the meat from time to time.
- If you like, sprinkle additional cumin over the roast as it cooks.
To make the sauce:
- Combine honey, stock, wine, pepper, and pan juices.
- Bring to a boil and simmer for at least10 minutes. Serve with the slices of meat.