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A distinction given to those who were not emperors, but were generally believed to be the heir to the throne. This was one stage down from the distinction of Augustus
The hottest room in a Roman bath
The centre of a town
Glaiators who fought in groups rather than pairs
A general tern used to describe the tribes of Northern Europe during the Iron Age
An official appointed every four, later five, years to maintain the census of citizens and senators
Centuriae or Century
The smallest contingent of soldiers in a legion which consisted of 10 men. They were grouped into units of 10, giving a total of 100 troops under the command of a Centurion
A system for dividing land into blocks
A rank in the Roman army. As the name implies, a centurion had 100 men in his command
Centuriones exercitatores
The training officer for the cavalry
Centuriones lanceariorum
The leader of the legionary infantry known as antesignani or lancearii.
The name given to a territory occupied by a conquered tribe
Civitas capitals
The name given to the capital town in the territory occupied by a conquered tribe
Civitates peregrinae
A region withing a Roman province where the inhabiants were not actually Roman citizens, but were allowed a certain amount of self government
Civium Romanorum
An award given to non Romans on accepting Roman citizenship. Auxiliary units in the Roman army consisted of non citizens and they would receive this award for actions beyond the call of duty. This entitled them to display this distinction 'CR' in the unit's designation
States in a Roman province that had their own rulers, but were governed by Rome
Client King
ruler of a territory within a province, or a ruler of a whole province who was allowed to reign over his people. This award was made to anyone who had aided the Romans. For example, not opposing an invasion. These kings were actually nothing more than figureheads, taking their orders from Rome
A leader in a Roman province who accepted responsibilities on behalf of their Roman masters
A military unit within a legion. There were 10 cohorts, each divided into six centuries within each legion. The name also applies to infantry units with the auxiliary army and to units within the Praetorian Guard
Cohors equitata
A military unit that was part infantry, part cavalry
A town consisting of retired military personnel. On retirement, a soldier was given a regular income, a home and an allotment of land. Colchester was one such town in Britain
A town in a Roman province where Roman citizens settled. Especially applies to retired Roman soldiers. In Britain, the largest colony was in Colchester
A unit of the emperor's forces. A division in the imperial army
A republican assembly of magistrates that passed laws, but had limited powers
The trumpeter. There was one to every century
A council of state. The supreme law court
In the Republic, there were two officials who were appointed each year to the role of consul. In the case of emperors, they were the highest consuls in the land. The title was renewed every year. If a number follows the title, it applies to an emperor and refers to the number of years he has been chief consul
Consularia insignia
An award given to governors of Roman provinces
The right given to a Roman citizen that enabled them to marry and raise a family