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A woolen cloak worn by the Roman upper classes. To own such an item gave the impression of the wearer being in the height of fashion
An organisation founded in Italy which was associated with a god of war
A gladiator who used a scuta and wore an ocrea on his left leg, and acried a galea with a large crest and plume, and a gladius
A stone coffin
On 17th December each year, this was the day of the festival in honour of Saturn
Scholae Palatinae
A section of troops designated to be bodyguards consisting of at least two regiments of cavalry with 500 men in each regiment
A department within a ministry
The shield carried by a soldier
A curved scimitar
A gladiator who took his name from the term for 'pursuer' and fought virtually naked and bald, carrying a large oval or rectangular shield and a sword or dagger, wearing an ocrea on the left leg, leather bands at the elbow and wrists, and a round or high-visored helmet
The Chief Council of Rome. The senate consisted of about 600 members who reported directly to the emperor. Although powerful in their own right, the senate had limited powers. A directive passed by the senate had to be authorised by the emperor before it became law
A brass coin worth four asses, or a quarter of a denarii
Severi augustales
An organisation set up to promote the image and worship of the emperor. It was initiated by wealthy landowners who built monuments and statues to the ruler of the time. They set off the costs by selling statuettes and mementoes of the emperor that citizens placed in their homes as a mark of respect. The main purpose of the organisation was to get its members noticed by the rulers and so advance their own careers
A unit of measurement for liquids. Equal to one imperial pint (0.568 litre)
The standard bearer for the century in a legion
The auxillary soldiers
A form of wheat that suited the damp climate of Britain