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A condemnation bestowed on an disliked emperor after he died
A status given to an emperor after his death. This raised his standing to the status of a god
Plural of Denarius. A silver coin of which there were 25 to a gold piece
A silver coin of which there were 25 to a gold piece
The writing on a vessel indicating the nature and volume of the contents
The money in a bank that belonged to individual soldiers"
Deus ex machina
God from the machine' In a Roman play, the author would often reach the end of the performance and be totally stuck for an ending. So he would write in a sequence where a god would appear and magically solve the problems of all the characters
A man chosen for military service
Gladiators who fought with two swords
Administrative groups created by emperor Diocletian. When they were set up there were 13 dioceses, but this number increased later. They were governed by a Praetorian Prefect
A code of pricing. This set the standard prices for goods and services
Discentes signiferorum
A trainee standard bearer
Divi Nervae Filius
Son of the deified Nerva' A title assumed by many emperors to indicate their descent from a previous emperor
A term meaning 'God'. This was applied to an emperor after he had died and had been deificated. (Promoted to the status of a god)
A long handled tool with a metal head having a pick at one end and a hoe at the other. This was carried by soldiers and used for digging ditches
Dominus noster
Literally 'Our Lord.' A term applied to emperors from the 4th century onwards