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A leather elbow or wrist band mostly worn by gladiators
A division with a legion. There were three manipuli within a cohort each consisting of two centuries
A hostel positioned on a main road. It was a stopping point where travellers could get refreshment, a room for the night and stabling for their horses
A place where a Christian martyr was said to be buried
A stone structure for housing the dead
Lightly armed Gladiators who fought in the middle of the day, after the wild beast fights
A design or scene laid in a floor or wall. This was made of small (about 1 inch square) coloured and glazed tiles laid in a foundation
A town elevated in status to allow a mixture of Roman laws and some established native laws
The lowest rank in a legion. Equivalent to a private in todays armies
Gladiators who wore a large galea with a fish on its crest, a manica of mail, leather or metal scales on his left arm, ocrea on at least one leg, a scutum and a straight Greek-styled sword