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One name for the light cavalry. The other name was Antesignani
A large agricultural estate
Gladiators whose primary weapon was a noose
A commander of a legion. An envoy. A general. A governor of an imperial province. A deputy to the governor of a senatorial province
Legatus legionis
A legion commander
The base military unit in the army. Each legion contained 5,000 infantry and 120 cavalry. The soldiers in the legions were all Roman citizens. The number of legions in the Roman army fluctuated between 25 and 33, depending on how many the current emperor decreed there should be
The base military unit in the army. Each legion contained 5,000 infantry and 120 cavalry. The soldiers in the legions were all Roman citizens. The number of legions in the Roman army fluctuated between 25 and 33, depending on how many the current emperor decreed there should be
A slave who had earned his freedom. Also know as a 'Freedman
A path between two fields. Later a name applied to a frontier
The border troops on the frontiers. They did not move around as the legionaries did, but remained based in one place
Lorica segmentata
The breast armour worn by a Roman soldier. It was manufactured from strips of steel that overlapped and was held together by two vertical leather straps