Recipe for
Betaceos Varronis
(Beets with Chicken)
By Apicius, 3.2.4
An accompaniment for any meal
Original: Betaceos sed nigros, quorum detersas radices et mulso decoctas cum sale modico et oleo, ul sale, aqua et oleo in se coques, iusculum facies et potabis; melius erit, si in eo pullus sit decoctus.
Translation: "For Varro Beets, take black beets and clean the roots well. Cook them with mead and some salt and oil. Boil them down until the liquid is saturated - this liquid makes a nice drink. It is also nice to cook a chicken with this."
- 10 small beets
- Mead or Sweet White Wine
- Olive oil
- Part cooked chicken pieces
- Put whole, small beets into a saucepan.
- Add mead or sweet wine, olive oil, and enough water to cover.
- Bring to the boil and add chicken pieces, and cook til done.
- The chicken can often become coloured red from the beets. This is normal.