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Recipe for
aliter sala cattabia
(Bread Salad)

By Apicius IV, I, 3

An accompaniment for any meal or as a snack

Original recipe: panem Alexandrinum excauabis; in posca macerabis. adicies in mortarium piper mel mentam alium coriandrum uiridem caseum bubulum sale conditum aquam oleum; insuper niuem et inferes.

Translation: hollow out an Alexandrian loaf. Soak (the crumb) in posca. Put in a mortar pepper, honey, mint, garlic, green coriander, cows' cheese, salt, spiced wine, water and oil. Stand (the pot) in snow and serve.


  • Loaf fine white bread
  • Mild vinegarWater
  • Grated Mild cheese

For the dressing:

  • Dash of pepper
  • Honey
  • Mint
  • Clove of garlic, crushed
  • Coriander
  • Olive oil
  • Mild white wine vinegar


  • Remove the crust from the loaf of bread and slice the remainder
  • Moisten the slices with vinagar and water.
  • Cover a shallow salad bowl with pieces of the prepared bread. On top of it, sprinkle shredded cheese.
  • Place in a cold place

To make the dressing

  • Mix the pepper, honey, mint, garlic, coriander, olive oil and vinegar.
  • Pour over the cold bread and serve at once.
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