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Recipe for Betas
(Beets with Leeks in Wine)

By Apicius III.

An accompaniment nearly any meal

Original recipe: Concides porrum, coriandrum, cuminum, uuam passam, farinam et omnia in medullam mittes. ligabis et ita inferes ex liquamine, oleo et aceto.

Translation: To make a dish of beets that will appeal to your taste slice the beets with leeks and crush coriander and cumin; add raisin wine, boil all down to perfection: bind it, serve the beets separate from the broth, with oil and vinegar.


  • Whole beets
  • 3 thinly sliced leeks
  • Ground pepper
  • Cumin
  • Beet stock
  • Sweet raisin wine


  • Cook beets, drain and keep the liquid
  • Slice the beets.
  • Put them in a saucepan with leeks.
  • Grind pepper and cumin.
  • Add to the leeks and beets. Then add stock ans sweet wine.
  • Pour this sauce over the vegetables, bring to a boil, then simmer till leeks are cooked
  • The lovely deep color of this dish adds beauty to your table.
  • Serve with chiken or game birds
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