of the upper classes - sorted by ingredient
The Roman upper classes were noted for their variety of foods and recipes.
Here you can get a flavour of Roman cooking from these recipes.
Some are mouth-watering. Some are unusual and some are, well, really cringemaking
Beef casserole
Boiled veal
Fried liver
Fried veal
Ham in a red wine sauce
Hare in a sweet sauce
Julian pottage
Lamb stew
Lucanian Sausage
Milk fed snails
Pork in a piquant sauce
Roast Pork in Celery Seed Sauce
Steamed lamb
Stuffed hare
Stuffed Roast Hare with White Sauce
Sucking pig
Boiled chicken
Browned Chicken Frontinian
Chicken with liquid filling
One thousand Larks tongues
Roast Duck in Spiced Gravy
Roast Duck with Damson Sauce
Baked plaice
Baian Stew
Barley soup
Boiled mussels
Fish cooked in its own juice
Fish Fillets with Leeks and Coriander
Fish in herb sauce
Fish pickle
Fish with turnips in saffron sauce
Fish in vine leaves
Mackerel stuffed vine leaves
Mussels in sweet wine sauce
Mussels with lentils
Patina of fillets of hake
Patina of fresh anchovies
Patina of Soles in Herb sauce
Prawn rissoles
Red Mullet in Fennel and Mint Sauce
Sauce for sea bream
Sauce for tuna fish
Seasoned mussels
Shellfish Forcemeats
Souffle of small fishes
Sweet Stuffed Sardines with Eggs
Artichokes cooked in herbs
Beans in the Pod in Coriander Sauce
Boiled eggs with pine nut sauce
Brussels Sprouts with Walnuts
Cauliflower in Celery Mint Sauce
Chick-peas in saffron
Creamed wheat
Fried carrots
Garlic and herb pate
Goat's cheese with rice in vine leaves
Lentil and barley soup
Olive and celery pate
Olives with herbs
Pickled Beets
Poached eggs in white wine
Soft cheese with a herb puree
Sweet Roman Toast
Date and nut desert
Dates Alexandrine
Pear patina
Pear pudding
Pears with Cinnamon and Wine
Stuffed dates
Barley cake
Cecina (Chick Pea Pancake)
Diced cheesebread
Honey cakes
Mushroom bread
Pancakes with milk
Pastry rounds
Platted bread
Rich Sweet Cakes
Sesame biscuits
Sesame wafers
Soft bread
Walnut and fig cakes
Wine cakes
Roman cooking
List of basic Roman ingredients
Seating arrangements for the dinner party