Roman recipes:
sorted by ingredient

Some of these ancient recipes are mouth-watering. Some are unusual and some are, well, really cringeworthy...
- Index to recipes sorted Alphabetically
- Index to recipes sorted by Course
- Index to recipes sorted by Ingredients
- Index to recipes of the common people and the Military (coming soon)
Meat dishes
- Beef casserole
- Boiled veal
- Fried liver
- Fried veal
- Ham in a red wine sauce
- Hare in a sweet sauce
- Julian pottage
- Lamb stew
- Lucanian Sausage
- Milk fed snails
- Pork in a piquant sauce
- Roast Pork in Celery Seed Sauce
- Steaks
- Steamed lamb
- Stuffed hare
- Stuffed Roast Hare with White Sauce
- Sucking pig
Poultry dishes
- Aniseed Chicken
- Chicken in Its Own Broth
- Boiled goose with cold sauce
- Boiled Partridge
- Browned Chicken Frontinian
- Chicken with liquid filling
- Roast Duck in Spiced Gravy
- Roast Duck with Damson Sauce
Fish dishes
- Baked plaice
- Baian Stew
- Barley soup
- Boiled mussels
- Fish cooked in its own juice
- Fish Fillets with Leeks and Coriander
- Fish with Turnips in Saffron Sauce
- Fish in herb sauce
- Fish pickle
- Fish with turnips in saffron sauce
- Fish in vine leaves
- Mackerel stuffed vine leaves
- Mussels in sweet wine sauce
- Mussels with lentils
- Oysters
- Patina of fillets of hake
- Patina of fresh anchovies
- Patina of Soles in Herb sauce
- Prawn rissoles
- Red Mullet in Fennel and Mint Sauce
- Sauce for sea bream
- Sauce for tuna fish
- Seasoned mussels
- Shellfish Forcemeats
- Souffle of small fishes
- Sweet Stuffed Sardines with Eggs
Vegetarian dishes
- Alexandrine squash
- Artichokes cooked in herbs
- Beans in the Pod in Coriander Sauce
- Poached eggs with pine nut sauce
- Beets with chicken
- Beets with Leeks in Wine
- Boiled eggs with pine nut sauce
- Braised cucumbers
- Bread Salad
- Brussels Sprouts with Walnuts
- Butter beans in herb sauce
- Carrots Sautéed in Peppered Wine Sauce
- Cauliflower in Celery Mint Sauce
- Celery with raisin sauce
- Celery with wine vinegar
- Cheese Sweetened with Honey
- Cheese with figs
- Cheese and honey
- Chick peas with cheese
- Chick-peas in saffron
- Cooked Cucumbers with Fennel
- Creamed wheat
- Curds with honey
- Fig cakes
- Fried carrots
- Garlic and herb pate
- Goat's cheese with rice in vine leaves
- Green Beans in Coriander Sauce
- Hazelnuts with herb puree
- Honey omelette
- Leeks with Celery
- Lentil and barley soup
- Lentil stew
- Mushrooms in honey
- Nut cake
- Olive and celery pate
- Olives with herbs
- Pea soup
- Peas Vinairgrette
- Pickled Beets
- Pickled cheese
- Poached eggs in white wine
- Puree of lettuce leaves with onions
- Soft cheese with a herb puree
- Spiced fritters
- Spicy lentils
- Sweet Roman Toast
Fruit dishes
- Custard
- Date and nut desert
- Dates Alexandrine
- Pear patina
- Honeyed quinces
- Patina of elderberries
- Pear patina
- Pear pudding
- Pears with Cinnamon and Wine
- Stuffed dates
Breads, Cakes and Pastries
- Barley cake
- Cecina (Chick Pea Pancake)
- Diced cheesebread
- Honey cakes
- Libum
- Mushroom bread
- Pancakes
- Pancakes with milk
- Pastry rounds
- Platted bread
- Rich Sweet Cakes
- Sesame biscuits
- Sesame wafers
- Soft bread
- Truffles
- Walnut and fig cakes
- Wine cakes
- Garum fish sauce
- Goat's milk sauce
- Liquamen
- Nine part sauce
- Salad dressing
- Sauce for eggs
- Sauce for meat
- Sauce for roast venison
- Sauce for roast wood pigeons
- Roman Cooking: Intro
- Roman Cooking: The Kitchen and Implements
- Roman Cooking: Meals, from Rich to Poor
- Index to Roman recipes sorted Alphabetically
- Index to Roman recipes sorted by Course
- Index to Roman recipes sorted by Ingredients
- Food and Cooking in Roman Britain
(by Marian Woodman)
- The Roman Cookery of Apicius (by John Edwards)
- A Taste of Ancient Rome (by Ilaria Gozzini Giacosa)