Roman recipes on RiB:
sorted alphabetically

Some of these ancient recipes are mouth-watering. Some are unusual and some are, well, really cringeworthy...
*Admin note: The differing bullet graphics are just for our staff info, as we go through and work out citations for these recipes.
- Cited with original Latin and translation
- Problems. Needs citation and/or Latin, etc.
- Recipe not updated, at all yet
*A note on the recipes and food photos: Most of the recipes on this site were there when I took over and relaunched the site. I have found to my great horror, that as I go thorough these recipes to update them and improve the food area, that many were taken from a couple of books, wholesale.
Joy of joys... I am though, working to get permission for this, but in the meantime, I do have a "buy box" where you can purchase these author's books for your own library and really, no matter what we have here, this should just whet your appetite to buy the books. Please do, as these authors do this as a labor of love — none of them are getting rich off of this.
Many of the food photos come from Pinterest or from friends — if you find one of your photos here and contact us, of course we'll credit you and give you a back-link. If you really insist and don't like us using the photo, we'll remove it (sadly). I knew this area was going to be a nightmare to get up to speed, which is why I didn't start to tackle it really for 6 years and, it hasn't failed to disappoint me in this matter. I anticipate another month or more (at least), just getting these recipes to a decent point and then longer to get them fully cited and with the original language and translation. Eventually, the plan is to put all of this into a database-driven part of the site so that our visitors can rate and comment on the recipes, as well as upload photos of their own attempts at them.

Many of the food photos come from Pinterest or from friends — if you find one of your photos here and contact us, of course we'll credit you and give you a back-link. If you really insist and don't like us using the photo, we'll remove it (sadly). I knew this area was going to be a nightmare to get up to speed, which is why I didn't start to tackle it really for 6 years and, it hasn't failed to disappoint me in this matter. I anticipate another month or more (at least), just getting these recipes to a decent point and then longer to get them fully cited and with the original language and translation. Eventually, the plan is to put all of this into a database-driven part of the site so that our visitors can rate and comment on the recipes, as well as upload photos of their own attempts at them.
Food of the Common People and Military
This, like the one above, is in a sort of alphabetical listing. Sometime, I need a better way. Maybe one listing in modern terms and the other in ancient. Who knows.
- Baian beans
(Baianas elixas) - Barley Polenta
- Barley soup
(Ptisana) - Braised cucumbers
(Cucumeres) - Bucellatum
(Roman hardtack) - Cabbage salad
(Krambe) - Chopped Olives and spices
(Epitryum) - Carthaginian porridge (Puls Punica)
- Marinated venison saddle in prune sauce
- Panis Militaris
(Military Bread) - Pea Soup (Etnos)
- Pork in a piquant sauce
(Psoai) - Posca
- Pork or Wild Boar with Cumin in Wine
(Aper Ita Conditur) - Fava bean porridge
(Puls Fabata) - Red lentils and leeks with sweet and spicy seasonings
(Lenticulam) - Roasted Mullet in Sauce
(Ius in Mullos Assos) - Spring cabbage with cumin
(Culiculi) - Sweet Fritters
(Globos sic facito) - Sweet and sour turnips
(Rapas sive napos) - Whole fava beans
(Faba Integra)
- Roman Cooking: Intro
- Roman Cooking: The Kitchen and Implements
- Roman Cooking: Meals, from Rich to Poor
- Index to Roman recipes sorted Alphabetically
- Index to Roman recipes sorted by Course
- Index to Roman recipes sorted by Ingredients
- Food and Cooking in Roman Britain
(by Marian Woodman)
- The Roman Cookery of Apicius (by John Edwards)
- A Taste of Ancient Rome (by Ilaria Gozzini Giacosa)